Make A Wish: Scrapbook Layout Prompts

12 themes and sample layouts for effortless scrapbook page creation.

Step into the world of birthday celebrations with this curated list of journal prompts tailored for the ‘Make A Wish’ digital scrapbooking collection. From capturing cherished traditions to reflecting on personal growth, these prompts offer endless inspiration for creating layouts that celebrate life’s special moments.

The Make A WIsh Collection is available at Digital Scrapbooking Studio
40% off the collection for a limited time!

1. Wishes: Document moments when you’ve made a wish on your birthday, whether blowing out candles or silently hoping for something special.

2. Community: Reflect on the importance of friends and family in your birthday celebrations, whether through surprise parties or heartfelt gatherings.

3. Traditions: Document your birthday rituals and traditions, from blowing out candles to making wishes, and how they bring meaning and joy to your special day.

4. Bliss: Document moments of pure joy and happiness as you celebrate another year of life with loved ones.

Layout by Sean using the Hosting prompt and documenting putting together the perfect Diet Coke themed birthday celebration for his wife.

5. Hosting: Document the challenges and triumphs of planning and executing a birthday celebration for someone else, from DIY decorations to finding the perfect gift.

6. Journey: Chronicle your journey through birthdays past, highlighting milestones and special memories along the way.

7. Growing Up: Create a layout showcasing your child on their birthday and how you feel about them growing older.

Layout by Candy showcasing her amazement over the years passing on her daughter’s birthday.

8. Blessings: Document moments of gratitude for the blessings in your life as you commemorate your special day.

9. Wisdom: Share something you have learned in the past year about yourself or life. Or reflect on moments of guidance from someone else that inspired you this year.

10. Adventure: Document a birthday outing or experience that brought you joy, such as a trip to your favorite restaurant, a day at the spa, or a weekend getaway.

11. Reflections: Reflect on the past year’s achievements and challenges as you celebrate another trip around the sun.

12. Other Celebrations: Create a layout around another celebration such as a wedding or New Years.

The Make A WIsh Collection is available at Digital Scrapbooking Studio