I’ve been having so much fun finding inspiration and using my design skilz to create new digiscrap products. And inspiration struck the other day and I made the CUTEST pocket card, guys! omg. It’s a Summer Sweets Showdown bracket card with ice cream versus popsicles. Choose your own picks or put it to a family vote then print it out or use PhotoShop to add in the winners.
There’s also a paper pack available because I’ve been really into making patterns.
As I build up my shop, I have a few ideas for regular releases including these I Heart Color paper packs. This is the one for July and I have August and September almost ready to go…so this product will last at least three months…haha.
And I have at least two other products releasing this month (I say at least because I would like to do even more but it’s summer and I have kids at home so, we’ll see!) The first is an alpha (now available here!) that is part of a line I’ll be regularly working on called So Basic which will feature most-used supplies in neutral colors. And the second is a template set in both 12″ x 12″ and 8.5″ x 11″.

Sign up for my newsletter and I’ll let you know when they are in the shop!
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you would comment with your most used digital scrapbooking supplies or what you neeeed to have.