Hopeful: New Scrapbook Layout with Cathy Zielske Template

Pretty proud of myself for creating a page. I have been slowly working on putting together our 2020 Project Life book…slooooowly. When Cathy posted this new template (currently on sale!) I changed course for a couple hours and had fun doing a bit of digi. I used the Lovey Dovey collab kit from Anita Designs […]

Two New Layouts April {Simple Scrapper}

This month’s Simple Scrapper story starters are about my favorite subject, FOOD!  This layout is about one of our dinner staples, macaroni and cheese, plus it includes the recipe I use…which is, of course, from my mom. Kit: Boys and Their Toys by Wishing Well Creations Template: Simple Scrapper #117 April’s Simple Scrapper templates are […]

3rd Nor-Easter Layout and Template Freebie

I’M DONE! Winter, go away! This layout documents the THREE snow storms we have had in the North East over a couple weeks. And I have a free template for you based on this layout! Just click on the image below or right here. Here’s to spring!!

New Layout + Scrapper Crush

One of my scrap crushes is Cathy Zielske. Her style is very graphic-designer with clean type and lined-up-everything but there’s also some room for play. She also got into card making at the exact same moment as I did (close enough) so I’m sure we would be fast friends in real life. Here is a […]

Sunday Reads – blogs, videos, and freebie faves

Here are a few of the things that inspired me this week. 1. BLOG POST5 Ways I’m Taking Back My Time from No Sidebar. I love this list because it’s not about finding nuggets of time to fill with more obligations. It’s about prioritizing to-do items and really focusing on each one fully. 2. VIDEOFor the […]

Two New Layouts March {Simple Scrapper}

Here are two new layouts I made for Simple Scrapper. They are featured in the March issue of SPARK member magazine. I love the Simple Scrapper story starters…sometimes I need an inspiration nudge. This month’s ‘starters’ were all about favorites and I chose to put all my faves from January (because I work a couple […]

Two New Layouts September {Simple Scrapper}

Here I have two layouts that were featured in the September 2017 issue of SPARK magazine. SPARK is part of the Simple Scrapper membership. The templates were inspired by the playful layouts of Adrienne Alvis. Check out her Instagram for more inspiration. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – […]

How I Manage My DigiScrap Stash

Image by rawpixel.com The story is the same for all digital scrapbookers. You discover this versatile way of memory keeping and then you discover ALL THE FREEBIES. I was there once too. I had an EHD full of free downloads that I just could not bear to part with because I thought I might need something […]

Two New Layouts August {Simple Scrapper}

Happy August 1st! Here I have two layouts that I did that were featured in the July issue of SPARK magazine. SPARK is part of the Simple Scrapper membership but you can get a free issue here.) This layout tells the story of using video chat to talk to my kids while they are with […]

Two New Layouts {Simple Scrapper}

I have two new layouts to share. Both will be in the June issue of the Simple Scrapper member magazine, SPARK. (You can download a free issue here!) I was looking though my photos and found two that looked similar and that happened to be taken in the same month…only 8 years apart. I realized […]

Paper Grass and a Freebie

I just love the grass cutting dies but I try not to spend money on ALL THE THINGS. So I figured out a way to get the same look with my Silhouette machine. And I’m sharing a freebie with you at the bottom of this post so you can do the same! I had this […]

Mr. President Layout and Template Freebie

My son was George Washington for a program at school. This layout is about how I created the costume with about a days notice from the teacher! I bought a consignment-shop suit jacket, sewed some ruffles on a shirt, and made a fleece white wig and ta-da we have a George Washington. I had two different […]

Turn a PNG into a Cut File {Video Tutorial}

A couple of days ago I posted a freebie PNG to use as a template for making clouds and waves on your cards. Unfortunately I don’t have the designer version of Silhouette Studio so I can’t make an .svg file BUT it’s very easy to take a PNG and make it cut-worthy. Here is my […]

Making Waves – Yesterday’s Freebie Turned Upside Down

While making more cards using my cloud stencil (see yesterday’s post), I saw that this little whale would look cute going across the frame window. Once you have clouds down, it’s very easy to make waves. Just start from the bottom of the paper and go up. I use a heavier hand with the ink […]