The other day I was reading a new post on the Scotty Girl Designs blog and was really moved by her willingness to talk about her struggles with depression. I’m not sure if it was sympathy, admiration or a connection but I was drawn to creating a page using her kits. I suppose the melancholy mood remained as I started. I choose a childhood photo of myself, the question “Who are you?” as the title and lyrics from a Natalie Merchant song as the journaling.

KITS: 2014 Fall by Scotty Girl Designs, plus a few items from We Are Family and Hello Life, both also by Scotty Girl Designs.
TEMPLATE: From the Simple Scrapper January 2014 membership.
And I’m up to Week #40 in my 2014 Project Life album. I really want to get this album done but I’m also thinking I should start 2015 so I’m not living in the 11th circle of PL…always getting further and further behind.
In my personal layout the plain red card has a small photo and some journaling that I didn’t want to share on the ‘net. Not a big deal, just an ill child who rebounded quickly.
I reused the 2014 Fall kit by Scotty Girl Designs for this week’s layout. Pretty versatile kit, eh?

KIT: 2014 Fall by Scotty Girl Designs and some elements from Go Places by Amanda Yi Designs (the map marker and the “now boarding” word art)