DigiScrap Freebies FAQs

I’ve been receiving some anonymous comments on the blog regarding the availability of the freebies posted here. Since I can’t respond directly to anonymous comments and many others have sent me questions, I thought I would make a few points here in a post.

1. Freebies are usually only available for a limited time. It is not surprising to me that a freebie that was posted over a year ago is no longer around. If you want to gather up the most freebies, follow the blog regularly and grab the new stuff.

I do occasionally make a mistake and post a freebie that is no longer free. I apologize. That’s just me not paying attention or posting something ahead of time when it has a short expiration date which was not clear to me.

2. If you love digital scrapbooking freebies you’ll do yourself a great service by getting a Facebook account. Even if it’s only a semi-anonymous one with a fake name, no profile info, etc. You don’t have to “friend” anyone or communicate at all through Facebook. The very best freebies are only available on Facebook.

Designers give away free items to garner new sales. Period. They may say differently (a thank you, celebrating a milestone, etc) but it’s really a marketing tool. Facebook is an excellent way to continually communicate with fans about new products. In order to do that, the designer needs you to “like” their page so their posts show up in your “news feed”. They entice you to “like” them by offering up Facebook-exclusive freebies. A freebie on a blog or in a store may generate a single visit from you, but with a Facebook “like” a designer has your ear…or your eye. That’s why…and I’ll say it again…the very best freebies are only available on Facebook.

3. If you are a designer and you don’t see your stuff on this blog it’s either because I haven’t found you yet or I just don’t care for your product. This is not anything personal. This is a private blog owned by an ordinary citizen who has her own opinion and taste. And I won’t compromise that by posting something I don’t like out of sympathy, intimidation or payment (except in the form of paid freebie posts which are clearly labeled).

4. And finally, thank the designers regularly. While freebies might be a form of advertising, they’re also a really nice way to start digital scrapbooking and to build up your stash of supplies.

Now, back to the freebies!

62 thoughts on “DigiScrap Freebies FAQs

  1. Beautifully stated! I as a designer and a scrapper love your blog and everything you do. I appreciate you taking the time to explain this iss ue to us all. Continue bringing us great freebies! Thank you!

  2. You are amazing! I rarely find something that you haven't found first! Yeah get a junk Facebook account and keep up with favorite designers!

  3. Wow, I think you do an excellent service (for free) and let us know about so many Freebies!!! and I for one, am very grateful!! I come to your site every single day .. and if a freebie is expired, it may be disappointing, but the earth doesn't fall off it's axis, lol. And the freebies you list are always fabulous and good quality. Thanks for doing such a fantabulous effort πŸ™‚

  4. This blog is the only one I use now to browse for freebies…it's all I need! There are so many wonderful freebies, and I only do a fraction of the Facebook ones. I never thought of a junk FB account! Thanks for what you do!

  5. Thanks Annette! I'm glad you are able to find so many non-Facebook freebies. I still recommend a Facebook account if you want your stash to really explode!

  6. You are awesome. I subscribe to you in my news feed and think you direct us to the best freebies. I really don't understand some people . . . Saying thank you to the designers who offer their freebies should just be something we all do just because it's the right thing to do. Keep up the great work you do – we all love you and think you do an outstanding service.

  7. Thanks so much for all you do. I enjoy checking in every day to see what goodies are available, even if I only find one or two to fit my taste. I know it takes a lot of your time and it is a great service. Thanks again.

  8. Thanks for sifting through freebies and posting only the best! This blog easily the best one for well-designed freebies! I hate to hear that you've received criticism. For your other readers, in addition to Facebook, I find it helpful to have a Google Reader account and to subscribe to the blogs of designers I like. They frequently have a freebie day 1x/week or will post a different freebie that coordinates with the Facebook freebie.

  9. Merci pour toutes ces prΓ©cisons et merci de nous indiquer oΓΉ trouver de si beaux freebies. Bambie

  10. I love your post. What a nice addition to the freebies that are most appreciated.You do a great job, and I for one thank you.

  11. Thanks Heather! And, yes, I think following your favorite designer by Google Reader, newsletter, and Facebook is the best way to grab all their freebies and hear about sales, etc.

  12. Great post Jen! You stated so clearly what I wish more people were aware of! I'm so thankful for what you do. Us designers want to get the word out about our freebies, and whenever they show up here we get a lot of traffic! Thank-you, thank-you!

  13. Great post – I am constantly amazed by how few thanks you's are on the designer's blogs and I LOVE the fact that you filter the freebies!! Yes there are times when I wander all over the place, visiting and commenting but sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day and then I KNOW I can rely on you to have posted the "must-have"s. Thank you for a great service!

  14. Thanks so much for your post and your hard work.
    It took me some time to realise that the thumbnails
    under the most recent posts were probably all expired.
    At first, I was frustrated by that, but now that I
    know…….no biggie. I just want you to know that
    I really appreciate your blog and check here every
    day. Thanks again for what you do.

  15. That's a good point about the "related posts". I'll have to think about how I can maybe rectify that. Thanks Aznewmom!

  16. Some people's kids, eh? LOL! Thanks so much for posting the good stuff! I know I don't have time to check everywhere all of the time and your blog saves me a ton of time when finding great quality freebies! Thank you for your time!

  17. No problem, Jen!! As I said, once I figured out that some of them were really old, and I'm guessing, something auto generated…… I just quit going to them. I just go to the main event!! Thanks again for your blog.

  18. anon.

    "I've been receiving some anonymous comments on the blog regarding the availability of the freebies posted here. Since I can't respond to anonymous comments and many others have sent me questions, I thought I would make a few points here in a post."

    Hard to believe after the fact knowing you do respond.

  19. Finally found someone as blunt as I am.lol If someone wants auto generated freebies there are plently of sites out there I appicate you find them yourself and post them.
    I have to disagree slighty though although there are lots of freebies on Facebook and it's becoming more used I have found some lovely freebies outside of FB from people who don't professionally design or have a shop. But then sometimes I like the chase lol

  20. I meant that I had no way of responding directly. As an anonymous poster, this response will not go to your email. You have to seek it out. I don't bother responding to anonymous comments on the blog because of this. I have made an exception for this post as many people are reading it, commenting and may also be reading the comments.

    I also felt this issue needed to be addressed to my entire audience.

    I'll edit the post to say "directly respond to…" I hope that will be more clear to you.

  21. Yes, of course there are a lot of really great freebies outside of Facebook and I post a lot of them. People have complained to me about the amount of FB freebies and how I no longer note their source. And that's because I was noting they were from FB more often then not which was a waste of time.

  22. Thanks Jen for all the great goodies you find and the time you take to do so!. It is much appreciated.I also visit every day(well almost!) and your searching saves me(us) lots of precious time. On the subject of saying "thank you"….some designers don't allow you to make quick comments and thank yous.Sometimes they won't allow you to post anonymously and sometimes it requires, as I found the other day, a compulsory web site address. This I don't understand, as I had already given my email address (which I might say, I was wary of doing). Maybe it is just me, but I am cautious about having to give lots of info over this platform. Do others agree or am I being silly? Anyway…thanks again. KB.

  23. I just had to respond to your question, KB…often the reason designers sites are set up that way is to cut down on the spam traffic. There are, unfortunately, sites out there convincing members that if they merely go spam all the blogs they find, that in return you'll come visit their site…both foolish and annoying, and often misunderstood.

  24. I only meant that we should be courteous when possible…I don't think it's a requirement! Please don't stress out about it. It's only digiscrapping after all!

  25. Thank you for the time and effort you put into finding the freebies for us. I must agree with your taste as I usually like whatever you post. I don't check everyday or there would be no room left on my hard drive:)

  26. I completely agree. I love the freebies and love to leave a thank you or comment on a really nice product, but often find I am discouraged to do so by the limitations but on the process by the designer. It doesn't make me less grateful or appreciative. I respect their decision to set up their site the way the wish and want to be respected for my choice to not "participate" in the process. When I have seen comments by the designer on a site about the lack of comments I usually go out of my way to send a friendly email to let them know why I haven't left comments.

    Anyway… I so appreciate the gifts (which often lead to far too many purchases :). I find it so remarkable that we have the opportunity to see the beautiful designs and enjoy them while we create our own memory albums.

    have a good week!

  27. Thanks for this post and also for all the amazing finds you put up here. I visit every day, and appreciate the effort you make. I've only recently started playing around with digital scrapping in Photoshop, and getting some free supplies has been fantastic for my learning process. Kylie

  28. Jen,

    I love your site. I stop here every evening. THANK YOU so much for being selective about what you post here. I totally respect your right to choose the products you post and LOVE that you always pick stuff I like πŸ™‚

    You ROCK!!!

  29. Thanks fantastic, Kylie! Isn't is great to start a new hobby and have little to no upfront costs? Good luck and have fun!

  30. You explained it all very well but you will still get people who don't bother to read anything and then complain. I run a Freebies group on Facebook and we get the same problems except that it's difficult to people to be anonymous. btw we often mention your blog!

  31. Jen,
    Thanks so much for all you do. I subscribe to your blog and enjoy the email I receive from you every day. Many times I have already downloaded the freebie but since I'm not usually hanging out on facebook I miss those until you find it for me. I too am picky about what I will put into my hard drive and must say you have excellent taste. Sorry to hear that people would complain about a service you provide for free. It just doesn't make sense to me.
    Keep up the great work and know that so many of us appreciate all you do!

  32. You Go Girl! It seems to be an almost lost art for someone (when they have the opportunity or means or as stated above having to give information that they do not feel comfortable giving out, which I totally understand)to thank those who gift us either with the designs themselves or the link to get them. All too often our rushed lives overlook the hard work and dedication that goes into a site like yours that makes finding the gifties that the designers make for us so easy. And yes freebies can and do expire but like marsie55 said "disappointing, but the earth doesn't fall off it's axis"! We love what you do for us and I appreciate it all the more because of your post. Unfortunately there will be those who can post, comment, email the dislike they have for what you do on your own personal blog but don't let it get you down (a certain recent site/store going to close comes to mind on how devastating this can be to someone). Keep yer chin up and ignore em!

  33. Thanks for the insight Alison. I am not over wise to all this facebook lingo and how it all works. It's just that sometimes you really want to give praise and it's frustrating when the process is difficult. However Jen, I won't stress out! Promise! LOL! KB.

  34. Create a yahoo mail address and use that for online things .. I have a healthy respect for online hackers and don't like to spread my personal info far and wide, but this allows me to participate without getting heaps of spam on my personal email; whilst still being able to say thank you.

  35. Thank you for all you do. I get your messages in my email and love it…as I rarely miss a freebie I want. I wish there was a similar service for CU freebies…they are out there be not well advertised I have found. Might I suggest another source for some more great freebies. Scraps-n-Pieces has a blog train every month and many of the store designers make kits as well as members of their creative teams. Many of these minikits are beautiful, all are from the same palette so grabbing all of them gives you an awesome collab kit, and many times the offering is more a kit than a mini. Some of the designers are very generous. Just thought I would give you a heads up to check them out. And thanks again for the awesome service you provide. You are greatly appreciated.

  36. Ahhh I see I only arrived a couple weeks ago so I didn't know that πŸ™‚ I don't think everyone thinks about thanks to posters. I will admit I didn't till I started running my blog ( not scrapping ) and watch 100 downloads and 1 thanks it is really upsetting. Thank-you from me for the reminder πŸ™‚

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